The National Unified Real Estate Number Law guarantees the stability of ownership

Engineer Tariq Shukri, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Real Estate Development Chamber, spoke about the draft law on the unified national number for real estate, saying: “A number similar to the national number is created, starting with the governorate, then the neighborhood, then the street, then the square, then the building number, making every plot of land, every building, and every apartment have a number One that cannot be repeated at the level of the Republic.
Tariq Shukri added, during a phone call to the “Manshet” program, presented by the media, Jaber Al-Qarmouti, broadcast on CBC channel, that the advantage of this number is ensuring the stability of ownership and the absence of any future disputes, and there will be a clear and fixed ownership sequence in the real estate registry.
Tariq Shukry continued, that the matter is a statistical issue that determines the building densities and the number of units in each neighborhood, governorate, and street in a large way, and proves occupied and unoccupied, and allows the state and investors to obtain useful information for them, and put in place a mechanism that reassures them, whether for Arabs or foreigners, and establish ownership for them in an easy way.
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